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Artist Statement


Comic books have unique storytelling format that is hard to replicate in digital media. Videos called “Motion Comics,” each differ greatly in the way they attempt to bring a static page of sequential art with animation and sound.


No War’s Land is my motion comic that was made from a two-page comic based the Christmas truce during the 1st year of World War 1, which I did during my time as a student at the School of Visual Arts. I choose an event from history to show that comics can be used to tell any type of story other then the superhero genre. Using Stereoscopic 3D, I gave an added dimension to the comic by utilizing the panels as if you’re looking though a window


No War’s Land was completed in 2014, which marks the 100th anniversary of World War 1. This gives us a chance to reflect back on a century of wars as we ask if some wars could have been averted if only both sides looked pasted their differences.

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